Tuesday, May 19, 2009


"I always thought that falling in love for the wrong person is the worst that anyone has to endure, but I was wrong, it's actually falling for the wrong reason."

I always tell myself that things happen for a reason, nothing is coincidence. Things happen because it should happen, everything is inter-related with each other, every s i n g l e event. Recent event proved me right, once again. I was so damn eager to push it through, i honestly don't know why, but i wanted to. It didn't reveal itself until the day after its done. It served its purpose.

"I thought I'll never get over it, i thought I'll be forever stuck in this limbo, in this madness, I never thought that it will take just one freaking text message to wake me up."

Now, everything is clear, it had never been as crystal clear as now.
Now, I can safely say, i fell for the wrong person and for the wrong reason. I can definitely walk away from it,without the guilt that i didn't give it a fair fight. I did! (up to the last minute, actually). Now i can walk away and never look back.

*But knowing myself..i'm still keeping my fingers crossed..*


  1. You did the right thing.
    I agree with you that you may have done it for the wrong reason..( pride? ) But praise God that He gave you the wisdom to see through yourself. As one goes through life, one is bound to make mistakes,but as the cliche goes, its the lesson learned that leads one to become a better person. Carry on, Alex. The pain will soon die away. Trust in God's grace. He does not fail.
    Mommy Bingle
